Face-mask as scrotal support to reduce incidence of scrotal oedema (post

Face-mask as scrotal support to reduce incidence of scrotal oedema (post


  • Dr Sunder Goyal Kalpna Chawla Govt Medical College, Karnal, Haryana, India


      Scrotal edema after inguinoscrotal surgery is quiet common and various types of scrotal support have been used to decrease the incidence of scrotal oedema and haematoma. Edematous scrotum is a great source of infection due to rogousity of scrotal wall and due to lots of swept in tropical country like India. Various types of scrotal support like coconut scrotal bandage and triangular (LANGGOT) suspension of scrotum have been in use, with varying degrees of success in preventing such complications. We used Face-mask to suspend the scrotum to decrease the incidence of scrotal oedema in cases of all inguinoscrotal surgeries done in a rural medical college.

