Current Clinical and Pharmaceutical Research ISSN: 2961-0753|3023-3895 is peer reviewed open access Journal Published and Managed by collaboration with  by Asoj Soft Caps Pvt Ltd  publish 4 issues  yearly (Quarterly) . The journal publishes original research in the field of Clinical  and Pharmaceutical research . The Journal has been designed to cover all the fields of research, which has any correlation and impact on  Clinical Research and Pharmaceutical Research (Pharmacognosy, Natural Product, Pharmaceutics, Novel Drug Delivery, Pharmaceutical Technology, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Drug Design, Pharmacology, PharmaceuticalAnalysis, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Medicine). Journal publishes original research Article or as a Short Communication for original
research work. The journal publishes Reviews to keep readers up to speed with the latest
advances across diverse current scientific topics on under mentioned scopes are also
considered for publication. In addition, a case report is also invited now for the publication.

Why publish with CCPR?
  • Timely decisions: The standard time from submission to first decision is 20 days for regular articles
  • Timely broadcasting: The average time from initial submission to publication for regular Research Articles is 40 days,
  • Constructive reviews from renowned scientist and researcher at all editorial levels
  • No page limits for regular articles.