intoxicationUseful use of butyrate, propionate and aloe fermented aloe vera for acute kidney disease and uremic poisoning

intoxicationUseful use of butyrate, propionate and aloe fermented aloe vera for acute kidney disease and uremic poisoning


  • Kenji Yagi Associate Prof Department of Clinical Medicine


The gut microbiome plays an important role in maintaining health and in the pathogenesis of disease. The symbiotic relationship between the host and the microbiome is disrupted due to the proliferation of dysbiotic bacteria in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The fermentation of proteins and amino acids by intestinal bacteria leads to the formation of excessive amounts of potentially toxic compounds such as ammonia, amines, thiols, phenols and indoles, but the formation of short-chain fatty acids is reduced.Therefore, reducing the accumulation of uremic toxins by changing the intestinal microbiota is important to prevent kidney damage.

